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We find answers to the questions that matter

We leverage evidence to help our clients measure effectiveness, understand value, and realize goals. With decades of experience in education, health, and the arts we apply our expertise to promote the implementation of effective practices to improve outcomes. ​

Our services


Good feedback is key to improvement. Our specialty is conducting scientific research and program evaluation to deliver accurate and timely information that helps our clients answer important questions.


Knowledge and solid strategy are at the core of every successful initiative. We develop and disseminate quality programs and effective practices to support continuous improvement in education and other human services.


Our clients are committed to improving outcomes and experiences for the people they serve. We empower decision makers by offering capacity-building support and technical assistance to overcome challenges.


Our clients deserve visually appealing products that tell the story in the data with simple language and credible illustration. We present data in a way that all interested parties can understand and act on.


Understanding our clients and their needs is key. We provide personalized services, practical recommendations, and useful products for a variety of audiences.


Amazing things happen when experience is shared. We believe consultation should be a collaborative process that promotes creative thinking, practical planning, and adaptability.

Our best work happens when
we collaborate with people who have

different perspectives

Our areas of expertise


Improving opportunities to ensure that children and adults achieve their full potential

  • Early childhood education
  • Reading and literacy
  • STEM education
  • Needs assessment and strategic planning
  • Standards and performance assessment resources
  • Curriculum development support
  • School and school system improvement
  • School choice
  • Community, family, and parent engagement
  • Educator preparation and skills development


Promoting positive physical and mental well-being

  • Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention and treatment
  • Childhood obesity prevention
  • Community initiatives and partnerships 
  • Homelessness and supportive housing 
  • Public health and safety education 
  • Violence prevention


Supporting cultural programs that enhance communities’ creative capacity

  • Museums and community-based organizations
  • Performing and visual arts organizations
  • Engagement and participation efforts
  • Arts education
  • Enrichment programs for youth
  • Volunteer and mentorship programs


We are proud to work with clients to make a difference. Our clients include local, state, and federal agencies; philanthropic foundations; creative services organizations and other nonprofits; higher education institutions; and private businesses. RMC Research partners with many other organizations in both prime and subcontractor roles to fulfill grant and contract work.

Selected Clients

U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
U.S. Department of Justice
Institute of Museum and Library Sciences
National Science Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
State Health Agencies (ID, OR, RI, WA)

State Education Agencies (AL, CA, CO, FL, KS, LA, MA, MS, ND, NY, NV, OR, SD, TX, VT, WA)
Aurora Public Schools (CO)
Douglas County School District (CO)
Fulton County Schools (GA)
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Pittsburgh Public Schools (PA)
Portland Public Schools (OR)
Red Cloud Indian School
Seminole County Public Schools (FL)
Southern Regional Education Board
Standing Rock Sioux Tribal DOE
Yerington-Paiute Tribe

Arizona State University
City University of New York
Dordt University
Georgia Gwinnett College
University of Louisiana Lafayette
University of Nebraska Lincoln
University of Nebraska Omaha
University of Tennessee at Martin

Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation
Ford Family Foundation
Gates Foundation
George Lucas Educational Foundation
Nellie Mae Educational Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Alliance for a Healthier Generation
American Heart Association
Americans for the Arts
Communities In Schools
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Lunar and Planetary Institute
Oregon Public Broadcasting
PeaceJam Foundation
Scholastic Corporation

Selected Partners

AEM Corporation
Catapult Learning
Center for Excellence in Literacy Instruction
Florida State University
ICF International
Mathematica Policy Research
National Implementation Research Network
National Center for Improving Literacy
Policy Studies Associates